Software BackUp Windows Terbaik

Yakinkah data anda selalu aman dari virus atau aman dari kerusakan hardware pada komputer anda? mungkin kerusakan pada hardware anda tidak jadi masalah yang begitu besar, yah itung2 kalo punya duit bisa beli lagi, hehe
Tapi apa jadinya bila Data anda yang sejak lama anda kumpulkan selama berbulan bulan, bertahun tahun atau bahkan berabad abad hilang begitu saja ketika terjadi bencana atau alasan lainnya?
Saya yakin pasti frustasi berat karena kehilangan sesuatu yang mungkin tidak ternilai oleh sejumlah uang. .Karena itulah kita harus melakukan backup secara berkala agar tidak terjadi sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan pada data2 anda.
Karena Backup adalah satu metode yang paling efektif untuk mencegah hilangnya data pada sistem komputer. Untuk Cara membackup data cukup gampang karena Disini saya akan memberikan beberapa software terbaik yang membantu anda dalam membackup data dan anda dapat mendownload software untuk backup data disini.
Cobian Backup
cobian_backup_new_taskCobian Backup adalah pribadi bebas untuk menggunakan perangkat lunak yang mendukung cadangan baik lokal maupun remote backup. Perangkat lunak yang sedang dikembangkan terus oleh pengembang yang berarti fitur yang disertakan secara berkala. Beberapa fitur utama termasuk differential dan incremental backup, file kompresi termasuk populer 7-zip format plus yang mengenkripsi kuat untuk keamanan data.
windows_backup_software-500x378OpenSource backup yang mendukung solusi incremental backup, one-click restore, tugas penjadwalan(schedule) dan email pemberitahuan(email notification). Beberapa pilihan lanjutan termasuk ssh tunneling dan tersambung ke rsync daemon.
Ada yang menggunakan sistem client server. Satu atau beberapa server cadangan dapat dibuat di komputer yang menjalankan Windows dengan menginstal versi server pada sistem komputer. Klien akan diinstal pada sistem komputer dimana setiap file harus didukung secara berkala.
Backup mendukung otentikasi perangkat lunak, dan koneksi oleh penjadwalan IP atau hostname.
Cucku Backup calls itself social backup. It provides local backups but alsobackups on friend?s computers. It supports complete and continuous backups and can automate the remote backup process to take that of the user?s shoulders. All files that are backed up use encryption algorithms to ensure data safety and integrity so that the backup partners cannot see the filenames nor contents of the files that are send over to their computer systems.
It works best in computer networks but can also work over the Internet if enough time or upload bandwidth is provided
ace_backup-500x343Powerful backup software that supports multi-versioning, backups to local and remote locations, file compression and encryption.
synctoySyncToy is offered by Microsoft as a free download for the Windows operating system. It can be used to easily synchronize data between computer systems. The program offers five different synchronization options that the user can choose from including a preview option before starting the process.
Backup Maker provides extensive backup capabilities. It comes with a standard and expert mode to suite both the needs of experienced and inexperienced users. The software supports full and partial backups, local and remote backups, selection of a backup execution interval and execution on certain events like USB detection or start and shutdown.
All in all an excellent software program to backup files on the Windows operating system.
mozy-500x453Mozy is an online backup solution that offers backup clients for Windows NT based systems and Mac OS X. Every registered user receives 2 Gigabytes of free space with the option to sign up for a paid account for currently $4.95 that offers unlimited backup space. Several pre-configured backup sets are populated after installation including bookmarks, documents and multimedia files. These can but do not have to be backed up. Expert mode provides access to the full file system to pick files or folders to backup directly.
personal_backup-500x364A backup for the advanced user that provides great file filtering options. It comes with the usual set of features including local and remote backup creation (including SFTP), file compression and encryption, status reports and log file generation.
allways_syncAnother software that has been primarily designed for file synchronization that is also supporting file backups to a local drive, over a local network or the Internet. It works on a per directory basis and can be installed on as many computer systems as the user desires. The software comes as a setup or portable version.
comodo_backupAnother free backup solution for Windows users. Comodo Backup can backup files and folders on a local computer system to other drives, network locations, ftp servers and removable media. Backups can be scheduled and notifications can be send to inform about completed backup jobs. Other features include compressing backups, data recovery options, support of multi-session backups and incremental backups.
DriveImage XML is more a drive imaging software than a backup program. It driveimage-xml-500x379can however be used to backup a full hard drive or partition to another drive. It uses the Volume Shadow Service to create exact backups during runtime. It is afterwards possible to restore the backup either from within Windows or with the use of a boot disk.
Nah, sekiranya yang saya ketahui diatas adalah software backup yang direkomendasikan oleh ghacks. kalo saya sih sukanya yang personal backup. Dari namanya aja sudah bisa ditebak kalo untuk personal computer seperti yang saya gunakan :D

1 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan... on 13 Mei 2016 pukul 14.39

Artikelnya bisa digunakan untuk referensi gan.. thanks

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